Every Day is Earth Day


We are calling on those who aren’t afraid to pull on their boots, get their hands dirty, and dig in to green our world. Each and every day at Timberland, we strive to strengthen our communities worldwide through environmentally focused events that push toward a greener future. This spring alone, over 1,000 of our employees will shut down their computers and serve the Earth by planting trees, restoring our land, and creating public green spaces in 27 communities around the globe. Why? Because nature needs heroes. Take a look:


What if more trees were planted than cut down? We’re doing our best to make that a reality. Whether it’s reforesting a desert or planting trees in a city, we’re helping to improve air quality and provide shade (and even fruit!) for millions. To date, we’ve planted over 10 million trees worldwide, and we’re just getting started. 

  • April 17: Planting trees to preserve a water dam in Santiago, Dominican Republic
  • April 22-25: Reforesting the Horqin Desert in Inner Mongolia
  • May 11: Planting trees in cities throughout Vietnam

  • June: Planting trees in Nottingham, United Kingdom
Earth Day is Everyday
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By creating and restoring community gardens worldwide, we’re freshening up the air and getting those bees and insects back to work pollinating our communities.


Experience the outdoors as it should be, free of trash and run-down trails. We’re pulling on our boots to clear debris and restore hiking trails and parks around the globe.

  • April 8-12: Various park restoration projects for communities throughout the Netherlands
  • May 8: Trail clean-up and firebreak maintenance at Mt. San Francecsa and Mt. Martica in Italy
  • May 16: Trail restoration and enhancing accessibility for all at the Audubon Society in New Hampshire, United States
  • May 23: Mountain trail restoration and clearing in Korea
  • June: Park and trail clean-up in Benelux


Earth Day is Everyday
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Green spaces help improve wellbeing and strengthen communities. So why don’t our cities have more of them? We’re nurturing cities around the world with pockets of greenery through the creation and restoration of urban parks.

  • May 16: Greening parks and playgrounds in New Hampshire, United States
  • May: Creation of a community park and garden in Wexham, U.K.
  • June: Trash collection and restoration of an English garden in Munich, Germany
  • June: Playground and garden restoration in Berlin, Germany


Limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables is leading to increased food insecurity felt worldwide. We’re digging into this issue by creating urban farms for communities to grow fresh local produce.

  • April 18-May 30: Creation of various urban farms to benefit underprivileged communities throughout Taiwan
  • May 16: outdoor beautification and restoration of raised garden beds at low income housing facility in New Hampshire, United States
  • June: Creation of a small urban farm for the Children’s Aid Center in Düsseldorf, Germany
  • June: Creation of an urban farm to benefit an urban community in France


Earth Day is Everyday


That’s a sampling of what we’ve been up to, now we’re calling on you.  Not just on Earth Day, but every day, join one of our projects, or simply take your own small actions that could make a big difference. It all starts with pulling on your boots and stepping outside to make it better!