Can You Stand In Boots All Day?


A good fit is vital for all-day boots

Whether planning a trek or working in a factory, you’ll soon find that having the right fit for your boots makes all the difference. It doesn’t matter if you wear hiking boots, walking boots, or work boots. If they don’t offer you the proper support, they will wreak havoc on your feet and back. 

In a perfect world, you’d be able to get them tailor-made to your feet for ultimate comfort. But since that’s a luxury that not everyone can afford, here are the things you should look out for when buying your boots to ensure they keep you healthy for longer.


Key measurements to consider

When you buy work boots for standing all day, you must ensure they are not too tight. It is recommended that you buy at least half a size bigger than your regular shoe and sometimes even a full size. 

This is so you can wear warm, padded socks to soften your step or add an insole to help it better fit your foot. In addition, in warm weather, and especially after standing the entire day, your feet would swell. However, don’t buy them in a size that is too large for you. Your feet should not slide inside the shoe.

As for the toe box, whether you purchase a boot with safety toes or not, it should feel spacious. In order for your toes to be able to grip the surface safely, they need wiggle room.

Shock absorbing sole

Work boots are typically heavier than any other type of shoe. Since they are made to protect you from things like electrical hazards and falling objects, they need to be sturdy. This, in turn, puts significantly more pressure on your feet each time you step. While composite toes and rubber outsoles may reduce the shoe's weight, it is still more than a sneaker.

A sole that absorbs shock is the solution to this issue. It will also be healthier for long-term use. This sole provides good heel support that ensures you don’t develop problems such as heel pain and plantar fasciitis. 

It also helps to provide proper arch support. This spreads the impact of each step.

However, if you already own a pair of boots and feel the sole is not supportive enough, you can always buy insoles to improve that. For instance, an EVA midsole (which stands for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) is a lightweight way to add shock absorbers to your boots. While it’s normally meant for athletic shoes, it can provide much-needed comfort in boots as well.


Additional comfort features

If you’re on the market for an extra comfortable work boot, you can try looking for one with a padded collar. The added cushion around your ankle will provide support and ensure that you don’t get blisters from the edge of the shoe.

Furthermore, knowing how to lace up your boot correctly can really make a difference and relieve the pressure from achy spots, such as toes, heel, or ankle.

Taking care of your foot health

Even if you own the most comfortable steel-toe boots for standing all day, your feet might still hurt at the end of a shift. Unfortunately, we are not made for standing the entire day, and if we do, we will suffer some consequences. However, you can do a few things to make it easier on yourself.


Take breaks

If you are wearing boots for a long hiking trip, plan for breaks during the day. If you work on your feet all day long, make sure to take your lunch and coffee breaks while sitting down. It might be enticing to stand by the coffee maker and chat with your colleagues, but your legs and back will thank you later.


Swap out your shoes

Even the most comfortable boots for walking all day can give you bunions and blisters, especially if you wear them multiple days in a row. So as soon as you get home, take your feet out and let them breathe. If you can, walking barefoot is best. Opt for a woollen pair of socks or comfy slippers if it's too cold.

In addition, try to rotate the type of shoes you put on. Unless you have to wear boots as a part of your uniform or for safety reasons, opt for sneakers or loafers on some days to give yourself a break. If the boots hurt a specific part of your foot, like the heel, or the big toe, wearing something else once in a while will promote healing.


Massage your feet

If you feel the tension in your feet, especially if your muscles spasm overnight, you should try to massage the knots. You can ask your partner for a foot massage or simply give yourself one at the end of the day.

Another good solution is rolling your feet on a tennis ball. It will get into all the nooks and crannies and relieve the tension. You can even keep the ball with you at work and roll your feet during your breaks.


Elevate your feet

To give your feet ample time to recover after a long day of standing in boots, lift them as soon as you get home. If you raise them to a position above your heart, your leg veins will work more efficiently, and your feet will heal faster.


Wear compression socks

You may have seen these before if you ever had to spend the night in a hospital. These socks are tight and stretchy and go up to your knee. The aim of these is to improve your blood circulation. While they are mostly advised for people who don’t move enough (to prevent blood clots), they can also help those who stand all day.

With better circulation, your feet can heal faster, and you won’t get cramps in different muscles across your legs from prolonged standing. Just make sure they are not too tight and block your circulation.


Put yourself first

As you can see, standing in boots all day is doable, whether for work, travel, or any other reason. However, you have to take care of yourself to prevent health problems. And most of all, make sure you buy boots that are the perfect fit for you and support your posture as much as possible.

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